'Houses are but badly built boats so firmly aground that you cannot think of moving them. They are definitely inferior things, belonging to the vegetable not the animal world, rooted and stationary, incapable of gay transition. The desire to build a house is the tired wish of man content thenceforward with a single anchorage. The desire to build a boat is the desire of youth, unwilling yet to accept the idea of a final resting-place'. - Arthur Ransome

'For the truth is that I already know as much about my fate as I need to know. The day will come when I will die. So the only matter of consequence before me is what I will do with my allotted time. I can remain on shore, paralysed with fear, or I can raise my sails and dip and soar in the breeze.'
-Richard Bode

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cairns here we come

Horseshoe Bay on Magnetic Island has great holding, so anchor watching isn’t necessary. One would hope for a great night sleep. Sometime during the darker hours we had a fishing boat come in with lots of shouting aboard plus a yacht leave, they had a spotlight on their sails checking that all was well. It looked rather nice, picking up the ghost like shapes of their rig against the land that jutted out behind them, a contrast to all the light ashore.
A unanimous vote had a 0615 departure and with a really muddy anchor to deal with, thanks goodness for the salt water hose down pumps.
Overcast skies with showers, SE 20 to 25 kts again. This can get boring, but these winds give us some great surfing and push us along. Passed some great spots like Hinchinbrook Island, which we have very fond memories of. Dunk showed it’s self from the clouds and we turned to go and drop the pick for the evening in front of the resort. Yes now we remember why no other sane person is around, it rolls and rolls as the swell comes around the point. After some investigation in FA's tinny with the depth sounder, we all moved 100 odd meters. Who knows if we had a better night as rain pelted down for most of it, but was I glad to see dawn the next morning Hatches have to be shut tight and this with the consistent rolling around makes it not conductive for resting. The planned walk around Dunk was cancelled early as FA said that they both had sprained ankles. I think that they didn’t want to challenge me to the wet ‘T” shirt award. After throwing some options around , where to now? Cairns, why not .Rain clouds around us with dark grey skies, but we seemed to be spared. About time! Up past the main wharf and around into Trinity Inlet, yes no swell in here thank goodness.
It’s a long weekend with Anzac day tomorrow. The locals puttered past as they went to check their crab pots or just go fishing. One or two jet skis flew past, then, the noise greeted us first and towards us came this jet propelled boat towing a water skier. Seems that they must have been practicing for the world record as they flew not once but enough for me to ponder, what if I put a long rope across the inlet uhmmmm ???????? Hey it didn’t rain that night and we could keep the hatches open, first time for over a week.
Our marina berth at Yorkys Knob beckoned, so on Anzac Day we found our allotted space and here we are. They run a courtesy bus to a large shopping centre so yesterday Ian and I ventured out. Our plans are to wait here until we hear from the local Steyr agent to come and check out the port engine and replace the thing that keeps our warning light on.
We all have taken the chance to defrost fridges, wash clothes and fix the pages of …when we are in port next, list. The communications over the next month will be very intermittent as we head for the top. The charts have been pulled out with lots of cross reference to books and articles that we have collected from those who have done it.
The lack of not being able to jump on Skype and speak to the family and see our wonderful grandchildren will have me monitoring the phone connection closely.

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