'Houses are but badly built boats so firmly aground that you cannot think of moving them. They are definitely inferior things, belonging to the vegetable not the animal world, rooted and stationary, incapable of gay transition. The desire to build a house is the tired wish of man content thenceforward with a single anchorage. The desire to build a boat is the desire of youth, unwilling yet to accept the idea of a final resting-place'. - Arthur Ransome

'For the truth is that I already know as much about my fate as I need to know. The day will come when I will die. So the only matter of consequence before me is what I will do with my allotted time. I can remain on shore, paralysed with fear, or I can raise my sails and dip and soar in the breeze.'
-Richard Bode

Friday, July 23, 2010

In Broome after 1173.52 nm. from Darwin

We are in Brome and yes, ready to leave tomorrow morning. We arrived on Sunday 18th one day ahead of our plan, this was due to the generator not working and we needed a new impellor. Since then Pam, Marg and Clive have moved ashore and helped so much with the provisioning for the trip to Darwin. This has given Sue and Chris Howard valuable time with their family before they move onboard.
The latter part of the voyage WSW after refueling at Dog Leg Creek found us in Silver Gull Creek for 2 days. We visited Phil who with his wife Marion,{who was away} have lived there for quiet awhile. We enjoyed listening to the stories and sitting in the tank that was converted to a large sitting on plastic chairs under an umbrella. The whole tank had shade mesh over it and with the abundant fresh water that had been warmed as it came from the spring through black pipes we all chilled out totally .A rectangle hole had been cut about a meter from the bottom so the water could spill over, but small enough that you could not get through.. Wee frogs also lived in this warm environment. The tanks, of which there are 3 but only 1 ok, are the remains which BHP [who had mined at Koolan Island previously] had built to collect fresh water. I hooked a lovely mackerel while in the bay but as it came to the back the lure spat out, next time I aim to fling it onboard as there was no time to gaff it. We saw many fish working Silver Gull and finally caught a bream.
On to Copper mine for one night then Beagle Bay, past Cape Lévesque and into Gantheaume Point which adjoins Cable Beach. Bronte Howard had organized a mooring for us which was wonderful as the holding here leaves a bit to be desired.
We have tasted some wonderful food, spent time in the Museum which has a great collection of memorable about the area, enjoyed coffee ashore most mornings, caught up with Dean and Deb Watchorn and their 2 boys Brock and Adam who are traveling around for awhile. Dean mentioned names of locals that are up here but have only run into the Peinings[ex Ingles rd.] and Jenny and Mic Flynn’s son Dale, who is running kayak trips.
The tides are neaps at the present so the range has been minimal. The wheels on the dingy have proved themselves as the sand is very firm. Its been great as Ian runs a taxi service at night , picks up FA and John from Patrica VII,[ who we have run into since north Qld.] and we all pile into Bills hire car and enjoy a scrumptious meal with the ashore crew.
All this comes to a halt tomorrow, with Kiella loaded up with a good 6 weeks supply of food , wine/beer, more fishing lures we head NNE. Sue and Chris will move on tomorrow early and join us to explore more of this wonderful coast of ours.
We will update this site early September when we are in Darwin while Kyra will make entries as she speaks to us via sat phone.
Ps, boy we are all so sad to miss all the election stuff….hah ha

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