'Houses are but badly built boats so firmly aground that you cannot think of moving them. They are definitely inferior things, belonging to the vegetable not the animal world, rooted and stationary, incapable of gay transition. The desire to build a house is the tired wish of man content thenceforward with a single anchorage. The desire to build a boat is the desire of youth, unwilling yet to accept the idea of a final resting-place'. - Arthur Ransome

'For the truth is that I already know as much about my fate as I need to know. The day will come when I will die. So the only matter of consequence before me is what I will do with my allotted time. I can remain on shore, paralysed with fear, or I can raise my sails and dip and soar in the breeze.'
-Richard Bode

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Horizontal Falls via satellite phone

It has certainly been a shock to come to anchorages and find ten or more boats already there. We have had weeks where apart from Foreign Affair we haven't seen any other boats and now, as we draw closer to Broome, we are encountering many more.

We have also been in the company of quite a few pods of whales and have had the privilege of seeing one breach - an inspiring sight.

We are currently at a place called Horizontal Falls where sea-planes land so that people can come and experience 'the ride' - an adrenalin-fuelled passage on a speed boat through the falls. Helicopters regularly come in taking people off boats to procure a birth on 'the ride'. Of course we have booked a turn today. Of course.

Love to you all. We should be in Broome in the next week or so.

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